Feed my Sheep || Sunday Worship || R C Sproul

A faithful ministry doesn't entertain goats; it feeds the sheep.

The sad reality is that many churches today are valuing entertainment over exegesis, results over regeneration, and peace with the world over the proclamation of the word.

Yet, Christ is clear: the church's mission is to make disciples. That is, to evangelize the lost and encourage and edify the saints. Too many have lost sight of this in the name of growing a bigger church. But, it is not a big church that pleases Christ, but a faithful one. May we all turn back to the word and, as Luther said, let it do its work. For, where the word is faithfully preached, the Holy Spirit faithfully attends with all of His graces, causing the dead to live and further strengthening the faith of the redeemed.

"The saints, the holy ones, those called out from the world assemble together on Sunday mornings to be fed. We are to do evangelism, engage in outreach, and be involved in ministries of mercy, but Sunday morning belongs to the sheep. It is the task of the pastor and of the church to feed the sheep. If someone who is not a sheep comes in, that's fine, but we're not going to change the menu and give the sheep goat's food... Babies have almost no influence in a culture. Before they can turn the world upside down, they have to grow up, they have to become mature, and that happens as they are fed the Word of God. Nothing less will do. Notice that when Jesus spoke to Peter, He did not say, 'Peter, if you love Me, feed the goats.' Neither did He say, 'Peter, take care of your flock; feed your sheep.' He said, 'Feed My sheep, feed My lambs, tend My sheep.'"

— R.C. Sproul

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