Showing posts with label Apocalypse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Apocalypse. Show all posts

The Reality of Your Eternal Portion by J.C. Ryle

   Resurrection and judgment await you. All is not over when the last breath is drawn and your body becomes a lump of cold clay. No: all is not over!

   The realities of existence then begin. The shadows will have passed away for ever. The trumpet shall one day sound, and call you forth from your narrow bed; the graves shall be rent asunder, and their tenants shall be summoned forth to meet God; the ears that would not obey the church going bell shall be obliged to obey that summons; the proud wills that would not submit to listen to sermons shall be compelled to listen to the judgment of God. The great white throne shall be set: the books shall be opened. Every man, woman and child, shall be arraigned at that great court appearance. Every one shall be judged according to his works. The sins of every one shall be answered for. And every one shall receive his eternal portion either in heaven or in hell!

Isaiah 66 || The Final Judgement

     Each day we walk through the Bible. Isaiah, the great old testament evangelist I ever saw talks about the final judgement in his last chapter. Let us learn from our text today that we (human beings) have a choice of free will to choose or reject JESUS CHRIST. In doing so we will suffer the consequences both now and for eternity. Let us not choose our own ways which will definitely end up in hell. "...they have chosen their own ways, ..." God has chosen the delusions for CHRIST rejectors. All believers shall worship their LORD every week in the New Jerusalem (which will descend out of Heaven to New Earth. Rev 21:10). While on the other end, Christ rejectors shall take their part in Hellfire. Their worm shall not die, and their fire shall not be quenched. Choose JESUS CHRIST before it's too late. 

     For while we were still weak and sinners, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly. (Rom 5:6 ,8) JESUS CHRIST manifested in the fless, bore all our sins, died on the cross, buried and rose again from the dead, ascended to heaven, seen by angels, appeared to Cephas, then to the twelve, proclaimed among the nations, believed on in the world, taken up in glory. (1Ti 3:16) Believe Him and be saved, All the Earth.