Sex Through the Eyes of a Virgin Christian Girl


Here are a few "perspective changers" on sex from self-described virgin Christian girl, Salem Afangideh.

SEX. It is one of the most talked-about topics in our culture, yet it is also the most perverted from the way God originally intended it to be. I feel very unqualified to talk about sex because, as you have probably figured out from the title of this article, I have no experience in this area. However, God and I have had a few conversations about it. Since He made sex, who better to talk about it with?

Here are a few perspective changers on sex:

1. God made sex: Think about that the next time you are in doubt of how creative, funny, and intricate God is.

2. Sex is fun: In the Christian world, when I was growing up, the older generations’ strategy for trying to keep the teenagers abstinent was to make sex seem dirty and bad. This strategy really backfired when teenagers started having sex and discovered how fun it was; it was much harder to keep them away from doing it. While I would not know about how fun sex is, I have been blessed with Godly couples who have told me it is so worth the wait. Instead of viewing sex as this bad and dirty thing to avoid, I see it as a wonderful and fun gift God has created for me to enjoy in the season of marriage.

3. Sex was made to be within the context of marriage: Eccl. 3:11 says, “He [God] has made everything beautiful in its time.” Premarital sex will never be as fulfilling as sex within a marriage.

Sex within a marriage makes you feel safe because your spouse has chosen you over every other person in the world. No matter how much a guy tells you he loves you while dating/courting, if he has not paid the price called marriage, he does not deserve to know what your body looks like. Sex was made to be the final glue that bonds two people together, it was created to be a seal for people who have bonded spiritually, emotionally, and intellectually in marriage. It gets messy when you bond sexually with someone first and then try to figure out the spiritual, emotional, and intellectual connection.

For my sisters who have already chosen to be sexually active, I do not want to bring condemnation, but a challenge to choose purity. We worship a God who delights in restoring us, and if you decide to live a life of purity, He will empower and strengthen you to do it. You will be in a much better position to be an advocate of purity because you have been down both roads.

4. Sex is all about serving: This would have to be the biggest shift from how our culture looks at sex to the way God sees sex. The act of having sex (or not having sex before marriage) is all about serving another person. For the unmarried Christian girl that is striving to save sex for her future husband, you are serving him in a beautiful way and showing him he can trust you after you are married. The fact that you waited for him means more than you will ever know. You are also serving our Lord Jesus Christ by honoring Him with your body. For the married Christian woman who chooses to have sex with her husband after a crazy busy day, you are serving him with your body in the most beautiful way. And as you serve him, you are also serving our Lord Jesus Christ.

How do you see sex?

-Salem Afangideh 


Irrelevant Details? John 8:6-8 || Apologetics For The Bible || Authority Of The Bible

John 8:6-86 They were saying this, testing Him, so that they might have evidence to accuse Him. But Jesus stooped down and with His finger wrote on the ground. 7 But when they persisted in asking Him, He straightened up and said to them, “Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her.” 8 Again He stooped down and wrote on the ground.

(Adopted from “What Are We to Make of Jesus Christ?” God in the Dock)
As a literary historian, I am perfectly convinced that whatever the Gospels are they are not legends. I have read a great deal of legend and I am quite clear that they are not the same sort of thing. They are not artistic enough to be legends. From an imaginative point of view they are clumsy, they don’t work up to things properly. Most of the life of Jesus is totally unknown to us, as is the life of anyone else who lived at that time, and no people building up a legend would allow that to be so. Apart from bits of the Platonic dialogues, there are no conversations that I know of in ancient literature like the Fourth Gospel. There is nothing, even in modern literature, until about a hundred years ago when the realistic novel came into existence. In the story of the woman taken in adultery we are told Christ bent down and scribbled in the dust with His finger. Nothing comes of this. No one has ever based any doctrine on it. And the art of inventing little irrelevant details to make an imaginary scene  more convincing is a purely modern art. Surely the only explanation of this passage is that the thing really happened? The author put it in simply because he had seen it.

The Four Faithful Women at the cross || International Women's Day || Meditation from the Cross

Jesus dies on the Cross for all kind of sinners, even those who have demonstrated a profound degree of unfaithfulness to Him. 

All the 11 disciples (although temporarily) either renounced their faith or hidden their faces from the general public. Praise the Lord! God will not leave us in between. Even though we fall away for some time, God will pick us up to our profession before we die (Rom 8:28:30). What catches my eye is the 4 women stood with Jesus at the cross until He dies. 

Four Faithful Women of God:

1) Mary the mother of Jesus
2) Mary Magdalene (from whom Jesus drove seven Demons out)
3) Mary the mother of James the younger & of Joses
4) Salome

Even though all the disciples forsook him, these women stood with Jesus. Those whom He called and would commission as Apostles were less faithful than those who would not receive the Apostolic office. 

The Sorrowful look: The most beloved Son of God was now pierced. Imagine how it would have cut them into pieces (Especially for Jesus' mother). Stream of tears would have flown from their eyes. 

Let us learn from these women how to stand with Jesus even in tough circumstances instead running from Him.