The Lamentations of Jeremiah (Hebrew name: Ecah)
Lamentations (an elegy) were written by Jeremiah when Jerusalem was destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar in B.C. 586. (Except chapter 5) It is not only poetical but also alphabetical as some of David's psalms (each verse begins with several letters in the order of the Hebrew alphabet). Jews used to read this book in their Synagogue every 9th day of the 4th month (in remembring Jer 52:6).
(Jeremiah sung this Lamentations over Israel staying in a cave near Golgotha / Calvary)
Even though Jews rejected his prophecy and reported him as a false prophet, Jeremiah had a character of interceding for his people.
(Jer 9:1
Oh that my head were waters,
and my eyes a fountain of tears,
so that I might weep day and night,
for the slain of the daughter of my people.)
For this reason, Jeremiah is also called 'Prophet who makes prayer with tears'.
What we have to learn from this man of God is truthfulness and kindness towards the lost people. It is not only our duty to warn them of sin and judgement, but also to show them the way to escape and that is Christ alone. People in blindness may disagree, but it's our responsibility to shed tear for our people who are perishing.