Eternal Salvation Quote

God seals His sheep of 1,44,000 on Earth in Revelation 7 and
we can find exactly the same number of sealed people standing before the throne in Revelation 14 worshipping Him who saved them.
It is evident that God shall lack none of His elect. John 10:28
It is impossible to transform a Sheep into Goat and vice versa. ~ AKR

Jehovahjireh - God will foresee (provide)

Gen 22:8 And Abraham said, My son, God will provide Himself a lamb for a burnt offering: so they went both of them together.

JESUS CHRIST is the lamb God-given to be slaughtered for us as a substitute for hell-deserving sinners. Now consider Abraham’s reply to His Son, God will provide Himself a Lamb. I want to convey two messages here.

God will provide: The God who gave His only begotten Son to save us shall provide for all our emergencies. His name is Jehovahjireh.

God will provide Himself a lamb for a (burnt) offering: I see this verse as a prophetic message of God. He’s going to provide Himself an offering. An offering to satisfy His just wrath on us. CHRIST tasted the wrath we should have tasted. The unbearable wrath that was on our heads was taken and put on His head. He tasted death inch by inch in place of us.

“God saved you for Himself,
God saved you by Himself,
God saved you from Himself.” - Paul Washer.

God provided a lamb (resembling Christ) in place of Isaac (us). Don’t think of God as a sadist. Our God cares for us more than any blood relation could. Trust Him with all your heart like Abraham.

Moriah - means the Lord will provide. Calvary was one of the mountains in the land of Moriah where God foreordained CHRIST-the perfect lamb for us.

Clearly, this chapter is the foreshadowing of CHRIST.

Praise Jehovahjireh with me today.

Genesis 24:8-11

C.H. Spurgeon comments on Gen 24:8-11 that it seems like "a wild-goose chase" cuz he has to go and find a wife for a young man left at home. What we have to notice here is he went to hear the counsel of God. He went to God and asked Him to guide him. Man might make wrong choices; but God doesn't.

Spurgeon's Exposition
»Ay, he did not know the promise, “while they were yet speaking I will hear”; but God keeps his promise before he makes them, and, therefore, I am sure he will keep them after he has made them.«

(Ref Isa 65:24, Pro 3:5-6)

The Type Of Men Jesus Deserves To Preach His Gospel.

• One brother I have encountered—one did I say?—I have met ten, twenty, a hundred brethren, who have pleaded that they were quite sure that they were called to the ministry—because they had failed in everything else!
• This is a sort of model story:—“Sir, I was put into a lawyer’s office, but I never could bear the confinement, and I could not feel at home in studying law. Providence clearly stopped up my road, for I lost my situation.”
• “And what did you do then? “Why, sir, I was induced to open a grocer’s shop.” “And did you prosper?” “Well, I do not think, sir, I was ever meant for trade; and the Lord seemed quite to shut up my way there, for I failed, and was in great difficulties.”

“Since then, I have done a little in a life-assurance agency, and tried to get up a school, beside selling tea; but my path is hedged up, and something within me makes me feel that I ought to be a minister.”

My answer generally is, “Yes, I see; you have failed in everything else, and therefore you think the Lord has especially endowed you for His service; but I fear you have forgotten that the ministry needs the very best of men, and not those who cannot do anything else.”

A man who would succeed as a preacher would probably do right well either as a grocer, or a lawyer, or anything else. A really valuable minister would have excelled in any occupation. There is scarcely anything impossible to a man who can keep a congregation together for years, and be the means of edifying them for hundreds of consecutive Sabbaths; he must be possessed of some abilities, and be by no means a fool or a ne’er-do-well.

Jesus Christ deserves the best men to preach His gospel, and not the empty-headed and the shiftless

— Charles Spurgeon, Lectures to My Students, 37-38
#LordsDay #CharlesSpurgeon #CalledToMinistry #TheVeryBestMan #Pastors #Preachers #Gospel #Pulpit #Bible #JesusChrist #ReformedTheology #Calvinism #5Solas #SolaFide #SolaGratia #SolusChristus #SolaScriptura #SoliDeoGloria

Jere 31:1-2 « Genesis 27:41

1. What a mercy it is to have a family God, and to have our whole family in Christ! Brethren, you have a family Bible, and you have, I hope, a family altar; may your whole family belong to God! (Spurgeon's Exposition)

2. God rescued His elect, the remnant from the dreadful sword of their Enemies.
As I'm reading the first book of Torah [Genesis], what catches my eyes today is this, God turned the mind of Esau who decided to kill his brother Jacob [Chosen man] (Gen 27:41) just like He hardened Pharaoh's heart to express His excellencies. He made him escape from the sword of Esau.

What a great Omnipotent God we serve! We can completely rely on Him. He's faithful to protect us from the snares of our Enemy (i.e., the Devil).

Jacob typifies Believers - Typology in Old Testament

Jacob flees from his father's house due to his deceptive way of getting the portion and of his brother's anger towards him.
True Christians (Elects) flees from God’s presence due to their original sin and because of God’s wrath on their heads.

God spoke to Jacob and giving him a new name ‘Israel’

God spoke to us (through the Gospel), and gave us a new name ‘Christians’

Hos 12:12  Jacob fled to the land of Aram; there Israel served for a wife, and for a wife he guarded sheep.
-> Man places promise at the end of a service of long life. But, God places promise prior to our service to Him. 
-> 1. Here, Jacob served 7 years intentionally for Rachel, but was cheated by Laban with Leah. 
‌  2.  Jacob got Rachel and he kept the sheep he got already from Laban 7 years.

-> Symbolises our Salvation. If we intentionally do all works for Salvation, we won’t find it. Salvation is a free gift that provides Sonship (promise) and afterwards works in us to do good works for the glory of God.

-> Paul perfectly records this order when he say “whose I am, and whom I serve” (Acts 27:23)
God choses Abraham from all the tribe. God choses Isaac and left Ishmael (step brother). God choses Jacob and left Esau (own brother).
God does not see as a man would see. In examining these three patriarchs, all of them were younger ones. God’s way is unique.

God adds to the promise given to Abraham provides assurance that He will ultimately guard him and bring him back to his father’s house. (Gen 28:13-15, Gen 28:20-22)

When Jacob fled from his father’s house and in desperate condition that Esau might kill him, God visited Him and gives Him the promise. 
We Christians acknowledged our desperate need of Saviour and found Him.

Jacobs vision of ladder that had each end on Earth and Heaven symbolises Christ

Sin separated Men and God.
God sent His Son to bore our punishments and die on the cross to pave us a way to reach God. 
As the ladder that set up on the earth and the top reached the heaven, Christ sent to the downward parts of Earth and acts as a ladder (/ a bridge) that connects Men and God. See Gen 28:12, John 1:51

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Reverend Aaron - Arumugam Pillai the first indigenous Pastor in India

     Reverend Aaron the first indigenous Pastor ordained by the Lutheran mission at Tranquebar died at Cuddalore, Tamilnadu, India on June 14, 1745.

     The Trade Treaty of Tranquebar, signed in 1620 by Rakunāta Nāyakkar (1600–1634), the ruler of the Kingdom of Tanjore (Tañcāvūr), and Ove Giedde (1594–1660), an admiral of a Danish ship that had stranded near Tranquebar, stipulated that the European inhabitants of Tranquebar had the freedom to practice their ‘Religion of Augsburg,’ namely Lutheranism. Rakunāta Nāyakkar required the Danes to maintain harmonious relationship with the Portuguese inhabitants in his domain. 

     In spite of this agreement, the Danes in Tranquebar did not build a separate building for worship for 80 years. Only in 1701 they dedicated the Zion Church for worship services in Danish and German. Their colonial interest lay in trade with Indians and not in any religious concerns. Their Indian partners and employees were ill disposed towards Christians. The Danes ensured that their Indian traders, soldiers, spies, tax collectors, and other service providers remained satisfied; hence, they refrained from any overt missionary activity.

     The year 1704, however, marked a turning point. King Friedrich IV (167 –1730)  charged his court chaplain Franz Julius Lütkens (1650–1712) to find appropriate missionary candidates. The Danes did not listen to Lütkens’ invitation. Therefore, he looked to his Pietist friends Joachim Lange (1670–1744) and others in Berlin, Germany, who in turn persuaded Bartholomäus Ziegenbalg (1682–1719) and Heinrich Plütschau (1677–1752) to travel to Copenhagen. 

     King Friedrich IV issued the call for missionary work and ordered his Bishop Henrik Bornemann (1693–1710) to ordain these two Germans as missionaries. Consequently, they sailed from Copenhagen in November 1705 and reached Tranquebar on 9 July 1706. There they laid a firm foundation for the emergence of a Tamil Lutheran congregation. Their report on Tamil people, language, culture, religion, and converts, published in Berlin in 1708 attracted much attention in Germany. Its English translation (1709) appealed to few influential Anglicans in London, England.

     Arumugam Pillai was born in 1698 into a Hindu Vellala high caste wealthy family in Cuddalore in the South India state of Tamil Nadu. He was originally named Arumugam Pillai by his father Chokkanatha Pillai a merchant. His father traded with the East India Company, but suffered a great loss and moved his family to Arasapuram. 

     When the Tranquebar Lutheran Mission - the first Protestant mission in India - established a school in front of his house Arumugam was one of the first students at the school to learn from Tamil books printed by the Mission. 

     A teacher named Savarimuthu introduced the teachings of Jesus Christ to Arumugam when he was 19 years old. In 1718 he travelled to Tranquebar where he was baptised and Christened as 'Aaron' by Bartholomaeus Ziegenbaig a pioneer of Protestant missionary in India.

     (The German Missionary, Bartholomaeus Ziegenbalg (1683-1719) who arrived in India in 1706 , had deep respect for the Tamil people, their culture, and their traditions left an enduring impact upon south India and had far-reaching influence. 

     By the time William Carey, the celebrated English Baptist missionary often called the Father of the Modern Missionary Movement," arrived in Calcutta in 1793, evangelical Christianity in India was nearly a century old. Almost every missionary method that he later developed had already been tried—by a Pietist Lutheran in Tranquebar.)

      The new young believer Aaron stood steadfast in his faith despite the opposition shown by his family members. He studied Bible in Tamil Theological School and soon was appointed as an assistant catechist at New Jerusalem Church in Tranquebar.

     Aaron had a deep burden for his people and used to travel long distances to preach the gospel. He visited and proclaimed the gospel in Poralyar, Sirkali, and Sandirpadi in Tamil Nadu. 

     Impressed by his zeal for ministry, the German Lutheran Missionaries ordained him as a minister on 28 December, 1733. He became the first non-European to be ordained as a pastor. Aaron had four daughters and one of them married  Devasahayam Pillai and their daughter married John Devasahayam who was ordained in 1896 as the first Indian Anglican priest. 

     Aaron was a man with good communication skills. His inter-personal relationships enabled him to provide spiritual comfort to the locals and ministerial insights to the Europeans. He became the main link between the Tamil people and European missionaries. 

     He stood out as a man of great courage, integrity and wisdom. He didnt shy away from conflicts but faced them boldly and solved them at ease. He reasoned with local people and made efforts to end the abusive and evil social practices.

    Though his ministry was not of long duration, he earned the respect and love of both the Hindus and Christians in the regions he served. He had labored for eleven years, even after his health failed, winning hundreds to Christ. He died on June 14, 1745.

     During his short lived ministry he built a strong reputation as a man of courage and integrity. He was mourned by both Hindus and Christians.