Happy Independence Day

Why am I struggling with continuing in sin? I know it's wrong. Why am I bound to its bondage? Who can rescue me, a helpless sinner?

Hey, here is a person who promises to rescue you from your sin, the LORD JESUS CHRIST. "the wages of sin is death" Rom 6:23
Accepting you're a sinner is a good step and proves that God actively works in your heart. The just God "will not acquit the wicked" Exodus 23:7

Having loved you and me, God made a way by sending HIS only begotten Son Jesus Christ as one of us. JESUS CHRIST bore all our punishment on the cross of Calvary and satisfied God. "while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us" Rom 5:8

God declares forgiveness for all who believe in the LORD JESUS CHRIST, and that HE died for them.

It is not like human forgiveness. When a fellow human forgives us, it means we were good but done mistake for some time and deserves forgiveness. It means we don't do the same mistake again after. But in our case, having done all we acted just like enemies of God. Our "every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually" Gen 6:5
We deserve wrath. But God being mercifully reminded us and offered His only Son, a living sacrifice. God never forgives by seeking our future obedience. Divine forgiveness forgave all our sins (past, present and future).

What a great privilege it is for us!

"Christian liberty is freedom from sin, not freedom to sin." ~ A.W. Tozer

Let us happily celebrate our independence day.

If you have taken the life-changing decision of putting your trust in JESUS CHRIST, kindly let us know andrewkingslyraj@gmail.com (or) akrministries@yahoo.com

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